So how does it work?
With RooflessSolar's Community Solar Program, you can subscribe to a local solar farm and receive guaranteed savings directly on your utility bill. There are no panels to install, no cost to join and you can cancel without any cost. The best part - subscribing to RooflessSolar™ is FREE! Yes, you read that correctly, there is NO cost to join and you are guaranteed to save money with RooflessSolar.

Subscribe to a local Community Solar Farm
Community solar is when large solar arrays (think thousands of panels) are built on a suitable site or building and the energy produced by the array is subscribed by various customers (subscribers) in the local area, like you and me (homeowners, renters, small and large businesses).

Community Solar Credits are applied directly to your electric bill
The power produced each month is delivered straight to the local utility, who provides community solar credits directly on your electric bill, saving you money. Discounts vary by program and state, ranging from 5% to 15% or more.
Read our FAQ's for more details.

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Schedule a Free 15-min Review
Learn how you can save on electric costs with community solar for free. Let’s talk!