Join Community Solar Save On Your Bill
Slash your electric bill for the next 20 years!
No Panels on your Roof
No Cost or Fees
As seen in:

To date our customers have generated
Loading... kWh
of clean energy and counting...

Trees Planted
Our customers have
reduced CO2 emissions
equivalent to planting more
than a millions trees!

Money Saved
Monthly savings really add up! Community Solar programs last for 20-25 years - saving you thousands of dollars. Cancel at any time.

Carbon Offest
As a renewable energy source,
solar reduces the generation of CO2, doing our part to help
save the planet!

The electricity produced by community solar is clean,
renewable and emission free.
Go Solar with
Nothing on Your Roof
Subscribe to your local community solar array and nothing is
installed on your roof or property - just savings in your pocket!
You still chose your utility/power provider, it works with them all.
Zero Cost - Big Saving
Guaranteed Savings
No Fees or Upfront Costs
Cancel Any Time
Local Clean Energy
Support Clean Energy gen
Works with all utilities/suppliers
Connect directly to grid
No Installation
Nothing on your roof
No service calls
Zero Maintenance
About Community Solar
The first-ever community solar project was installed in 2009 as way to provide solar energy to homes that were not well-suited for solar power. From there, a system was created allowing homeowners and businesses to realize guaranteed savings on their utility bill, all through centralized solar arrays offsetting their energy usage.
Since 2009, the community solar industry has grown to more than 5 GW of installed capacity across the United States, representing $8 billion of solar. Our team installed and supported that very first project and countless more since.

Schedule a Free 15-min Review
Learn how you can save on electric costs with community solar for free. Let’s talk!

We'd love to hear from you.
Contact us today.
Fill out the form below and one of our RooflessSolar Specialists will contact you.
We will not share your email with any third party providers.